Last Chance To Earn Winter Rewards At The Greenmarket

It’s the Fort Greene Park Greenmarket‘s version of frequent flyer rewards: the Winter Warrior program. And there is still just enough time to participate!
Here are the details:
Earn rewards for being a year-round supporter of small family farms & local producers this winter! Visit the Market Information tent to receive a punchcard. Check in with the market manager each time you visit the market. After 10 visits, receive a coupon for a reward from one of our participating producers.
However, since Winter Warrior 2015 only runs from January 10 through March 28 — a 12 week span — that means there is exactly 10 weeks left to get your 10 Saturday visits in in time to earn your reward coupon. You don’t even have to limit yourself to the produce as there are live music and family-friendly activities on site, as well.
Remember: the Fort Greene Park Greenmarket is located along Washington Park between DeKalb and Willoughby Avenues and is open year-round on Saturdays from 8am to 4pm.
And from 8am-2pm, accepts cash, EBT/food stamps, debit/credit, WIC vegetable and fruit checks, and FMNP coupons.
See you there!