Lark on Church Ave Officially Opens Today

Lark officially opens today at 7am, though many of you may have already gotten a sneak peak yesterday. They had planned on being open for a few hours so friends and family could check it out, but ended up welcoming in all the curious neighbors who passed by.

They’ll be open through 7pm tonight, but if you can’t make it over, we took a bunch of photos of the new space, which used to be two separate businesses on Church Ave between E 10th and Stratford. They’re hoping to extend their hours at some point, because they’ve got a liquor license.

The storefront is still a little bit of a “speakeasy” at the moment, as co-owner Kari Browne, who’s opened the space with fellow Ditmas Park resident Lori Kranczer, said yesterday. She said they’ve got a sign coming for the window soon, but you can’t miss the space–much different from what it looked like just last year.

As you walk in, there are two separate spaces. To the right, the counter and seating area, where there are about a dozen small tables, plus stools along a counter at the front windows. The free WiFi might attract the freelancing and work-from-home crowd.

To the left as you enter is the separated space for events, which they already have scheduled, and which they promise won’t all be just for kids.

Lark doesn’t have a kitchen so they’re not cooking or baking on site, but they’re got a menu of pastries, snacks, sandwiches, and more.

The doughnuts from Dough are monstrous. That one’s dulce de leche.

The bagels come from the Bagel Hole in Park Slope.

A lot of sweet pastries to choose from. While I was there, a couple of guys from the motorcycle shop Prospect Powersports around the corner on Coney Island Avenue came in to check it out, and one said that his wife told him to get “the prettiest muffin they had.” The guys added that they were excited to have another place over there to get coffee or lunch. That was the feeling of all the doctors and staff that stopped in from the medical office across Church Ave, as well.

Ricotta with blueberries and honey.

Yes, you can even grab a biscuit for Fido on your way to the park.

They’ve got space for six flavors of Blue Marble ice cream, which are currently vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, butter pecan, mint chip, and cookies and cream. That tiny bit missing from the strawberry was the first taste, by me, and man it’s delicious.

The coffee is from Stumptown, and they’ve got the beans for sale as well.

For more info, check out Lark’s website, their blog, follow them on Facebook and Twitter, or stop by–they’ll be open every day from 7am-7pm.