Lace Up Your Skates And Apply For Brooklyn Ice Free After School Program By October 23

Ice skating weather is coming sooner than we think, and Brooklyn Ice is offering free after school ice skating classes. You need to apply soon — the application deadline is Friday, October 23, 2015.
Brooklyn Ice marks its 10th anniversary this year. Violet Eagan and friends created this free after school program whose mission is “to make figure skating an accessible and affordable sport to Brooklyn children living near Prospect Park.” It’s the only free after school ice skating program in Brooklyn.
Classes begin at LeFrak Center at Lakeside in Prospect Park on Monday, November 2 and last through Sunday March 20, 2016.
Classes are held Monday and Wednesday afternoons between 4:00-6:30pm, with on-ice skating instruction, off-ice fitness, arts workshops, homework help, and additional activities.
A free/reduced lunch program is available for students who live or go to school in Brooklyn, and are in 1st through 8th grade. This year, Brooklyn Ice will be expanding the program to include up to 75 children whose families qualify due to financial need.
Once again, an application is required with the upcoming deadline of Friday, October 23, 2015. In order to apply, you can register here.
For further details about the program, make sure to visit their website.