Krrb Your Enthusiasm: Sweet Local Offerings For The Home

You know all those times of year when it’s not neighborhood association yard sales, and all you want to do is be nosey and buy your neighbors’ stuff anyway? Well, have you taken a look at Krrb yet?

The site, which bills itself as a “fun, friendly and safe place to connect with your neighbors for local and in-person commerce,” is not as creepy and unreliable as Craigslist, and also gives you the option of searching by distance–so not only can you get nosey with your neighbors, you can also save on ZipCars, cab fare, and the like that you’d have to worry about when buying something from Manhattan or Williamsburg.

We’ve rounded up some tempting local deals to so you can use less gas for transport, buy less new stuff, and maybe even meet a few new folks in the neighborhood. See what you think.

What is it? An ornamental bird cage (shown above)
How much does it cost? $25 obo
Why do I need it? The ad says it’s been used for jewelry, so it’s probably not the best place to store your African Grey. That said, we’ve seen these at neighborhood garage sales for three times the price. Get Polly a nice branch to sit on.

What is it? A set of three lucite nesting tables
How much does it cost? $125 obo
Why do I need it? These little guys can be overlapped for a longer step-like coffee table, or spread around your home as side tables in multiple rooms. Plus, the clear factor will make things look a little less cluttered in there. Just try not to bump your shins too much.

What is it? A George Nelson-style slat bench
How much does it cost? $250 obo
Why do I need it? It’s sleek, classic, easy to move, and it does double duty as seating or a coffee table. For the Draper within.

What is it? An awesome pirate trunk
How much does it cost? $300 obo
Why do I need it? Um, to hide your treasure. Also, it’s on the pricey side for sure–but, common as perfectly-nice plain wood storage trunks with flat lids may be, trunks with cool details like those reinforcements and arched tops are getting harder and harder to come by.

Interested in any of these? Create a free account at Krrb, and you can start haggling with fellow Ditmas Parkers ASAP. You can also gain local exposure for unwanted knick-knacks and doo-dads by using our Classifieds.