Krrb Your Enthusiasm: Sweet Local Offerings For The Home

This chill, which doesn’t look like it’s about to break anytime soon, has been keeping us mostly cooped up at home–and window shopping online.

We’re particular fans of the neighborly home decor classifieds on Krrb, but since we don’t have room in our apartments (or our bank accounts) for everything we want, we’re sharing our favorite nearby deals with you. Buying from neighbors means you’ll use less gas and funds for transport, buy less new new stuff, and maybe even meet a few locals along the way–so see what you think!

What is it? A pair of white and gold Chinoiserie lamps (shown above)
How much does it cost? $45
Why do I need it? Because these winter days, you’re probably inside your house, looking at the same furniture arrangements all the time and feeling like freshening things up a little. These lamps won’t set you back too much, they’re right in the neighborhood, and their ornate pattern is nicely contrasted by their simple color and shape. Throw some linen drum or even rectangular shades on ’em and breathe new life into your bedside tables.

What is it? A scrolly full size upholstered headboard
How much does it cost? $150 or best offer
Why do I need it? We’re not crazy about the pink on pink (or is it pink on beige?), but the shape of this headboard is fabulous. If it were up to us, we’d slap a cool potato print on the fabric and paint the wood gold or electric blue–or even just strip the wood if possible.

What is it? A 3-D map of everyone’s favorite continental portmanteau, Eurasia
How much does it cost? $195 (plus a small local delivery fee if you’d like)
Why do I need it? Aside from helping to keep it out of our hands? It can be hard finding large scale wall art (besides what everyone already owns from Ikea) for less than several hundred bones unless you date/are a decent artist. Plus, you know you always wanted to run your hands over one of these to your heart’s content without getting scolded by a teacher.

What is it? A pair of bright rococo armchairs
How much does it cost? $250
Why do I need it? They’re gold, they’re green crushed velvet, they’re tufted–need we say more? Sure, they’re a lot to handle at first glance–but temper them with a more minimalist, clean-lined table and footstool and some modern wall art, and no one should be terribly overwhelmed.

Interested in any of these? Create a free account at Krrb, and you can start haggling with fellow Ditmas Parkers ASAP. You can also gain local exposure for unwanted knick-knacks and doo-dads by using our Classifieds.