What To Know Around Town This Labor Day 2016

We hope all our neighbors enjoy a final summer sendoff this Labor Day weekend. If you’re sticking around the area, here’s some information from the city on what’s open, what’s closed, and what’s running on a different schedule:
• Government offices and courts are closed on Monday, September 5 in observance of Labor Day.
• There is no mail delivery.
• Alternate side parking is suspended, and you do not have to pay the parking meter. No stopping, no standing and no parking regulations are suspended except where those regulations are in effect anytime or seven days a week.
• There is no garbage recycling, or organics collection on Monday. If Monday is your garbage or organics day, put out your garbage or organics after 4pm Monday evening. If Monday is your recycling day, wait until next week to put out your recycling.
• Subways and buses are operating on a reduced schedule. The Staten Island Ferry is operating on a holiday schedule.
• All branches of the Brooklyn Public Library are closed from Saturday, September 3 through Monday, September 5.
• And as a final reminder that this really is the end of summer, New York City public schools open on Thursday, September 8. (Early dismissal for kindergarten. Partial day for Pre-K)
Have a great holiday! If you take any photos in the neighborhood while you’re out enjoying the long weekend, be sure to send them our way at editor@bklyner.com.
Additional reporting by Donny Levit