Kings Theatre’s Preview Performance On Tuesday, January 27 Is Postponed

The preview performance at the Kings Theatre (1027 Flatbush Avenue), originally scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, has been postponed because of the blizzard.

In an announcement to the community, the theatre said:

The Kings Theatre is working to reschedule the preview event in the coming weeks. Voucher recipients will be notified regarding the event schedule once confirmed; vouchers and reserved tickets will be honored for the rescheduled date. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Stay tuned to for information about the preview event and other exciting announcements at the Kings.

Those of you who received free tickets through the Church Avenue BID should still pick them up at the BID’s office (2211 Church Avenue) before 5pm today.

For neighbors who’d like to get a glimpse of the historic theatre, which just reopened after a massive $95 million renovation project, you can do so at a community open house on Saturday, February 7 form 12pm-4pm. The line for the event, which will included a guided tour, will form at 11:30am, and guests will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. You can see more information about the open house here.