Kings Bay Y Celebrates Israel With Sunday Festival

From our friends at the Kings Bay YM-YWHA:
Kings Bay YM-YWHA is thrilled to announce our Annual Israel Celebration to take place on Sunday, June 12, 2011 from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm. The large celebration attracts thousands of people to eat, dance and rejoice with us on this festive day.
Kings Bay Y brings Israel to the Greater Sheepshead Bay/Marine Park community. We feature Israeli music and dance, teach about the country through interactive games, display the achievements of Israel’s citizens, showcase opportunities for travel and much more. The street is closed for the duration of the event and admission is free.
The celebration is proudly situated on Nostrand Avenue (between Ave U and V). The community enjoys live music, an Israeli marketplace full of jewelry, Judaica, Israeli craft, delicious food, free giveaways and raffles. Children bounce on carnival rides, visit a petting zoo, participate in arts and crafts and other fun activities. Live music and dancing. Elected officials and community leaders are scheduled to attend the event.
For more information, please contact Alina at (718) 648-7703 ext. 224 or via e-mail at
About 5,000 people attended last year’s event. Check out our coverage and photo gallery.