Kids & Cops Abound At 66 Precinct National Night Out

Feeding the lions some lettuce with help from Louie Liu, head of BACOP, Capt. Quick and his kids, NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind, and Shomrim’s Jacob Daskal.

With its petting zoo, the bubble bath wading pool, rides, games of chance, two goats, and a Chinese Lion Dance, the 66 Precinct’s National Night Out, on 16th Avenue and 59th Street, was a busy affair drawing many parents and kids, including Captain Kenneth Quick and family, and community machers.

Working the Precinct’s steps. Man with cockade is from Brooklyn DA’s office.

Community organizations and NYC agencies were well represented, including the NYC Department of the Aging, Office of Emergency Management, the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office, the Fire Department, the Brooklyn Public Library, the Brooklyn Community Improvement Association, and the Boro Park Jewish Community Council.

The Library staff telling folks about its treasures.
Commander Captain Kenneth Quick thanking the afternoon’s guests. His kids are to his right; his wife is behind him in red.

As for cops, the arrival of the Patrol Boro Brooklyn South’s commander set off a flurry as people made a beeline to be photographed with him. Earlier, the NYPD Auxiliary Police, the NYPD Explorers, the Shomrim, the 66 Precinct Community Council, the Brooklyn Asian Civilian Observation Patrol (BACOP); Community Board 12 district manager Barry Spitzer, chair Yidel Perlstein, and a handful of other board members; and NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind were doing some heavy schmoozing.

Brooklyn Patrol Boro South Commander, Assistant Chief Steven M. Powers, with the BACOP volunteers. Louie Liu, head of BACOP to his left.

Meanwhile the kids were having a wonderful time. That bubble bath was a big draw, as were the balloon man and the rides.

The bubble bath pool. One of many kids happy to submerge himself or splash.
The man making balloon animals worked hard to keep up with demand.
66 Pct Community Affairs officers Vitella, behind him Kulka. Community Council President Mark Katz (right).
66 Pct Community Council treasurer Kazi Hossain with his boys.
The teenage Explorers are growing up. One is now in her second year at John Jay College.
Men from Boro Park Center Rehab cooked the BBQ.