It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas At Lowe’s

We here at South Slope News would officially like to say WTF to Lowe’s (12th Street and 2nd Avenue). The mega hardware chain has already unveiled their Christmas aisle. In September. This completely blows Rite Aide, who had their twinkle lights blazing in mid-October last year, out of the water.

Everyone complains that the holidays arrive earlier and earlier each year, but this is absolutely ridiculous. Having tinsel shoved down your throat before the fall leaves start dropping off the trees is enough to make even the jolliest of elves toss in the towel.

We do not need three months to get into the holiday spirit, Lowe’s. Put on the breaks and let Frankenstein and Tom the Turkey have their day. You’ll still sell most of those Christmas decorations if you put them out near the end of November. We promise.

What are your thoughts? Do the early Christmas and Hanukkah sales get you pumped for the holidays or make your stomach turn?