It’s Almost Friday! Here’s A Fun Video Of A Whale In Plumb Beach

We reposted a video of a whale that was taken near the Statue of Liberty on Facebook earlier today. In doing that, another video that was taken in our water, Plumb Beach specifically, by our reader Rolf Mayleas came to our attention.
This certainly isn’t the first whale to swim near our shores, and, as was the case for the unfortunate whale that washed up on Brighton Beach two years ago, it doesn’t always end well for them.
A few years ago, we published a series of video and photos about the amazing marine life that can sometimes be seen off the shores of southern Brooklyn.
Three summers ago, a baby harp seal decided to have a mini-vacation in Brighton Beach. He was most definitely a welcome guest.
On behalf of all the animal lovers in the neighborhood, welcome to the neighborhood, Mr. or Ms. Whale.