Isabelle’s Garden on Cortelyou Road

If you noticed a portion of Cortelyou Road just got a little more colorful, you have a very young neighbor to thank! Neighbor Courtney Wendroff passed by on Saturday and sent these photos and this note:

A 6-year-old girl named Isabelle decided to use all the money from her piggy bank to plant flowers in the new(ish) tree pits on Cortelyou right off CIA by the Bistro 915. We saw her with her parents and brother today planting. Really cute. They rent in one of the buildings over there. They call it Isabelle’s Garden.

A big thanks to Isabelle for being so generous, and to her family for helping to plant the garden–the street looks much better for it!

Anyone out there know how to build tree pit guards that would be willing to build and install them around these three trees to help protect Isabelle’s Garden? Nevermind! As Jacob notes in the comments, there’s a fence around them already!