International Food Store Replaced By… Another International Food Store

After 23 years in the neighborhood, Eleseevsky Gastronom at 2969 Ocean Avenue is becoming Mimino International Food.

Eleseevsky Gastronom opened in 1992, serving Eastern European goods alongside freshly butchered meats. The all-Russian signs came down a couple of weeks ago, and we spotted the new one shortly after. The windows are tinted, but renovation work is going on inside.

It’s hard to say if it’s a change in ownership; the phone number remains the same but no one has been at the storefront when we stopped by to ask. Either way, we hope they continue to serve up fresh meats; outside of the supermarkets it’s hard to find a good cut around this corner of Sheepshead Bay, aside from the fruit and vegetable market’s slim (and specialized) pickins.

Best of luck to Mimino!