In Case of Emergency, Call: Who?

It’s a little hard to read the sign perched up so high in the second floor window at 2558 East 18 Street, but we could make out that it says: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL (the not entirely legible number).
It’s not a bad idea to give passers-by an opportunity to alert concerned parties to an emergency, so long as it’s not meant to bypass the NYPD.
The HemOnCare medical facility occupies the front portion of the building. The rear portion, also once housed various medical offices, but is now available for lease. The realtor listed on the sign doesn’t have the 2700-square-foot space detailed on the website, so it’s possible that the lease has already been signed by a new tenant.
Wasn’t it this same building that, also, once housed the News 12 Brooklyn cable channel headquarters? Could it be that the sign is a relic from their news days in their Sheepshead Bay base? If their new location over by the Park Slope/Greenwood area just doesn’t feel like home, they might like to consider heading back.