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ICI Fort Greene To Donate Portion Of This Sunday’s Proceeds To Food Bank of NYC

ICI Fort Greene To Donate Portion Of This Sunday’s Proceeds To Food Bank of NYC
time out for hunger 2015

In case you were undecided as to where to brunch or have dinner this Sunday, March 29, then let this tidbit make the decision for you: ICI Fort Greene is donating 10 percent of their Sunday proceeds to the Food Bank For New York City and every $1 = five meals.

ICI is one of 70-plus city restaurants — and the only one in our neck of the woods — participating in the 12th annual Time Out For Hunger initiative.

“ICI has been participating for many years now. It is a very important & symbolic day for us at ICI to be reminded and kept aware that hunger does not only plague distant countries, but often our very own neighbors,” explained ICI owner and Fort Greene resident Catherine May Saillard.

Saillard also noted that Time Out For Hunger fits right in with ICI’s mission of supporting local and sustainable agriculture while also maintaining “a deep aspect of social justice (worker’s rights, etc).”

So stop by at ICI this Sunday and check out their Facebook page for more events!

Photo via ICI.
Photo via ICI.