Hurricane Joaquin Or Not, It’s Good To Be Prepared

As of Friday morning, October 2, Hurricane Joaquin is heading north from the Bahamas. The question is — where is it actually heading?
The map released by the NOAA as of 11am on Friday, October 2 shows the hurricane swinging east and missing the the U.S. mainland. However Joaquin could still drench the East Coast with heavy rain and may cause coastal flooding. And since Superstorm Sandy is just three years behind us, damage, fear, and, wounds are still very fresh — especially in the hard hit areas of Brooklyn.
The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is urging New Yorkers to prepare an evacuation plan in case the storm should veer west. The agency encourages residents in flood zones to reach out to friends and family who can take them in, or locate their evacuation center by calling 311 or visiting the OEM website. People should also prepare a “go bag,” which includes first aid, food, cash, and other supplies.
Having a plan is the best way to lessen any panic or serious stress about a dangerous weather. Here are some more tips to help you out:
• Know your flood zone. Park Slope has a range. The areas near Prospect Park are the safer Zone 5 and 6, but the zones get more dangerous as you move down the Slope to the waterfront.
• Know the areas that tend to flood, even in a bad rainstorm. Gowanus and 4th Avenue are extremely prone.
• As mentioned by OEM, get your supplies now. And that includes hitting the ATM today.
• Know your evacuation center. Our closest one is Millennium Brooklyn High School, 237 7th Avenue (between 4th and 5th Streets).
• If you have a car, fill up your tank over the weekend.
• You may have elderly neighbors who aren’t internet savvy. Let them know you’re around.
• If you have a land line, it’s always good to have an old house phone to plug in. If the electricity goes out, you’ll still have a working phone line.
• Follow OEM on Twitter.
Be safe. If you have any questions, you can email us at