How's Your Ditmas Park-ing As Of Late?

Between road work, street cleaning, and The Black Box filming, at least one neighbor is having trouble parking in the area.

“Due to construction (that has been going on for over two weeks now) on Argyle Road, no one will be able to park there on Monday, October 28th,” he says.

“In addition, parking is also prohibited on several blocks due to planned TV or movie filming. There’s construction equipment taking up spots on Ditmas, AND alternate side parking is NOT suspended tomorrow,” he says. “We had to park our car in Midwood, and take the train home.

“I cannot imagine that I am the only resident that finds the lack of coordination by the DOT to be appalling.”

There’s no question The Black Box is taking up a ton of parking this week (on Rugby, Beverley, and Argyle), in addition to Argyle getting paved.

So, what has your local parking experience been like lately? Anyone else had to park in a completely different neighborhood? And is it the DOT’s job to coordinate with film crews and/or suspend alternate side parking rules if construction is taking up large areas, or is that just a reality of trying to park in NYC?