1 min read

How Would You Describe Park Slope To Someone Who’s Never Been Here Before?

How Would You Describe Park Slope To Someone Who’s Never Been Here Before?

That’s the question at the heart of the first video in a new series on neighborhoods from Curbed, in which their Will Garré talks to locals to get their thoughts on Park Slope.

It’s an interesting mix of people — a stylish mom with a baby, a dad with a toddler on a scooter, a young vegan/vegetarian couple (he says he can’t make the commitment to veganism just yet), another couple who has their cheese shop, and a guy with a dog and a woman who have both lived here long enough to remember when people wouldn’t come visit from Manhattan — though as the dad notes, Park Slope lacks a bit of diversity, which is pretty clear with this cross section of neighbors. Recognize anyone you know?

So what do they think of Park Slope? It’s a place where you can see Beyonce at the playground, it’s a great place to raise a kid but the schools are competitive to get into, it’s safer but there’s been an uptick in graffiti and “thuggish” teenage behavior, parking sucks, double strollers suck, rent sucks, the coop is great but it sucks, but this is a friendly, community-oriented place to live.

How would answer the some of the same questions:

• How would you describe the neighborhood to someone who’s never been here before?

• How have you seen the neighborhood change since you moved here?

• What’s one thing you would change about Park Slope?

• How do you see the neighborhood changing in the next 5 years?

• What’s one word you would use to describe Park Slope?

Let us know what you’d say in the comments below!