Holiday Weekend: It Would Be So Nice… To Watch Fireworks, Baseball, Movies, And More

Today, we celebrate our Independence Day! (Courtesy Flickr/Dan Nguyen)

WINE TASTINGS: here’s a list of seven weekly options!

Myrtle Avenue’s KIDS GUIDE also has great listings.

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Frederick Douglass circa 1879. (Courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

“What To The Slave Is The Fourth Of July?” By Frederick Douglass Performed (with annotation) By Baratunde Thurston
When: 3pm
Where: Central Library (10 Grand Army Plaza)
What: Baratunde Thurston, a New York Times best-selling author, will be reading Frederick Douglass’ classic “What To The Slave Is The Fourth Of July”, whilst providing his own annotated commentary. If you can’t make it, there’s also a live-stream here.
How much: Free.

Comedy Night At Five Spot Soul Food
When: Fridays at 8pm
Where: Five Spot Soul Food (459 Myrtle Avenue just off Washington Avenue.)
What: There’s a free comedy show every Friday night.
How much: FREE


Seinfeld Night at The Brooklyn Cyclones, and Editor Donny Levit throws out the first pitch
When: Saturday, July 2, 6pm
Where: MCU Park in Coney Island, 1904 Surf Avenue (between West 16th and West 19th Streets)
What: Come hang with the staff of Corner Media Group and celebrate Seinfeld at the Brooklyn Cyclones game this weekend. At the Saturday, July 2 Salute to Seinfeld III “Make Kramerica Great Again” game, the Cyclones will take on the Connecticut Tigers at 6pm. In addition to Seinfeld-themed programming, there will be fireworks, and our own Donny Levit, editor of Park Slope Stoop, will throw out the first pitch.
How much: $15, with discount.

Revolutionary Garden at Fort Greene Park
When: Saturday 11am – 1pm
Where: Fort Greene Park
What: Plant, prune, and socialize with community members while you tend to the Revolution Garden. You’ll learn all the basics of gardening while getting some fresh air and making some friends.

Fort Greene Park Greenmarket
When: Every Saturday from 8am-4pm
Where: Washington Park between DeKalb and Willoughby Avenues
What: Weekly farmers market with live music and family-friendly activities


Rocky’s got a statue. Can you say that about any Schwarzenegger characters? (Courtesy Flickr/Todd Van Hoosear)

When: 8PM
Where: Habana Outpost (757 Fulton Street)
What: So, Rocky IV is probably more befitting the Independence Day holiday (what with Rocky ending the Cold War and all), but Rocky I is probably the best of the Rocky films. This is one of my favorite movies and way better than Rocky VII: Adrian’s Revenge. (Parenthetically, that joke kind of doesn’t work any more since Creed is sort of Rocky VII.)
How much: Get some food. The movie is free once you’re seated.

??  MONDAY JULY 4 ??

Independence Day Fireworks
When: 8PM
Where: Find a friend’s rooftop and look towards the East River
What: The Macy’s Fourth Of July fireworks show is one of the best in the country. Find the high ground and look out towards the night sky to see the best pyrotechnics going.
How much: Free, as in land of the.