History At Home: Snow In Prospect Park

As we wander about our modern neighborhood, caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to ignore the long and vibrant history of our community. Let’s remedy that. Every weekend, we’ll take a step back, this time with the help of the Brooklyn Collection at the Brooklyn Public Library, and explore what was happening around South Slope in the last century.

With much of the neighborhood playing in Prospect Park today, we thought it would be fun to take a look at a snowy day in 1952.

Poor Donald Boe, who lived at 582 7th Ave, between 20th and 21st Streets, wanted to try out his new Christmas skates, according to the caption from the Brooklyn Eagle, but Patrolman John O’Hara quickly put the kibosh on that.

No need to head up to Vermont when you can ski right here in Brooklyn!

We’re not sure what’s more impressive, this snowman or the fact that Mrs. Kurt Berwin is making a snowman while wearing a dress (brrrrrr).

Have any photos of from some of Prospect Park’s snowy days gone by? Email them to editor@bklyner.com, and we’ll add them to the site!