History at Home: Daylight Saving Edition

As we wander about our modern neighborhood, caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to ignore the long and vibrant history of our community. Let’s remedy that. Every weekend, we’ll take a step back and explore what was happening around South Slope over a century ago.

For many of us, Daylight Saving is just a fact of life. It’s always been there. Did you know, though, that the time change wasn’t officially recognized in the United States until 1918? The first official Daylight Saving Time occurred on March 31, 1918. Here’s the New York Times article that appeared the morning after the city set their clocks forward for the first time:

Here’s a link to the full article (which is totally worth a read….especially the argument against Daylight Saving from a member of the British House of Commons).