History At Home: Bargains In The Brooklyn Daily Eagle

As we wander about our modern neighborhood, caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to ignore the long and vibrant history of our community. Let’s remedy that. Every weekend, we’ll take a step back, with the help of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle archives, and explore what was happening around South Slope over a century ago.
Back in 1897, South Slope residents could take a one horse open sleigh around Prospect Park for only a quarter!

Looking for an apartment? In 1897 you could have scored a pad at 489 12th Street, between 8th Avenue and Prospect Park West, for only $13. If only…

Flash forward a bit to 1901, and we discover that apartments located on Prospect Park West, between 13th and 14th Street, were renting for between $33 and $50. We’d take that, too.