History At Home: 4th Of July In The Brooklyn Daily Eagle

As we wander about our modern neighborhood, caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to ignore the long and vibrant history of our community. Let’s remedy that. Every weekend, we’ll take a step back, with the help of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle archives, and explore what was happening around South Slope over a century ago.

With the 4th of July fast approaching, we thought it would be interesting to see how Brooklynites celebrated the anniversary of our independence. Back in 1891, local boys full of “git up” were at the ready with firecrackers of every shape and size (although  a few new ordinances in the city prohibited certain favorites), and Prospect Park was home to a number of different sporting events for those stuck in the city.

Looking for a little bit of good natured sport?

You can read the full article here.

How are you modern day Brooklynites planning on celebrating the 4th this week?