Hip-Hop Physics Brought To I.S. 281

I.S. 281

Students at I.S. 281 (8787 24th Avenue) were treated to a performance of “Forces in Motion,” a physics show that incorporates hip-hop in their educational message. News 12 is reporting that the program fuses dancing, music and science projects in a creative way to get kids excited about physics.

Some of the onstage antics seen in Forces in Motion include people wrestling in those puffy sumo outfits, MCs setting off bottle rockets and people throwing themselves on sticky Velcro walls to demonstrate inertia. Students were impressed with the show.

“They’re fun and I like to learn that way,” said one student.

“[I] like the imagery and you get to see what’s really going on, [and] understanding it,” said another.

According to a Wall Street Journal report, the project represents a collaboration between NASA and FMA Live! Leland Melvin, the NASA Associate Administrator for Education, spoke to the important impact the program seeks to leave on the education of children.

“Having a sound background in the laws of physics is a critical component of a student’s education and can open up a whole new world of opportunity. This has been a great collaboration between NASA and Honeywell, and I’m proud of how many students we’ve engaged through FMA Live! I have no doubt that many of those students are future NASA scientists who were just waiting to be inspired,” Leland told the Journal.

To learn more about the project, you can visit the FMA website by clicking here.