Hey, Artists! Submit Drawings For Local Creative Community Exhibitions

We know there’s no shortage of talent and creativity in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill–and the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership is now inviting you to submit drawings for their forthcoming MARP and Drawing Democracies events!

Members of the Pratt community–meaning students, faculty, alumni, and any other professional local artists–are encouraged to email images and information to drawingdemocracies@gmail.com no later than September 1.

If selected, drawings will be mounted at local businesses during the month-long “Drawings Along Myrtle Avenue installation,” or mounted at Pratt’s Dekalb Gallery (200 Willoughby Avenue near Steuben Street) during their “Drawings by the People” event. Artists can apply for one or both of the events–just be sure to specify in your submission header. Chosen artists will be notified by September 15, and work will be on view through October 25.

As for those of you who have more of a capacity for viewing art than making it, don’t worry, because these installations will be accompanied by art walks and more in the fall. Find out more about the program and upcoming events here–and if you plan to apply, good luck!