Here’s A Photo To Make You Feel Good About Brooklyn

(Photo by Mordechai Lightstone/twitter)

“Summer is in full effect in Crown Heights,” writes social media-savvy Rabbi Mordechai Lightstone on twitter. “Caribbean fitness trainer giving workout advice to Hasidic guy working out with roadside dividers.”

While walking by the scene at Eastern Parkway and Albany Ave, he felt it was a moment to capture. “It’s a Brooklyn thing to do, to improvise,” said Lightstone, who’s been living here for decades.

Despite the changing neighborhood, Eastern Parkway remains a beacon for Crown Heights, as a major thoroughfare that cuts through the heart of it.

“Everyone walks on the Parkway, it’s a beautiful common space,” he said. “This picture gets at Crown Heights on a day-to-day. It was natural and candid, showing people connecting and what we share. It was special.”