Here Comes Winter! First Snow Forecast For Tuesday

Here Comes Winter! First Snow Forecast For Tuesday

Even after eight years in the city, this native Texan still turns into a kid when the weather guys start talking about snow, and it looks like we might get our first flakes of the season on Tuesday.

Don’t break out the sleds or anything, we’re only looking at a light dusting, but temperatures are definitely going to drop, and the city is under a Freeze Watch from Tuesday evening until Wednesday morning.

Translation? Bring in any potted plants that might not fare so well in the colder temperatures, make sure that your outdoor pets (even Bully Cat) make it back inside to the toasty warmth of your apartment, and brush up on some winter weather safety tips from the FDNY.

Oh, and totally whip up a cup of hot chocolate. You can’t have snow (even a dusting) without hot chocolate.