Help PS/MS 282 Students Learn To Code Like Pros

Students at PS/MS 282 have gotten a taste of basic computer science, and they’re hooked — and you can help them become even more accomplished coders!

“PS/MS 282 has decided to see if we can introduce our kids to coding year round,” says Andrew Marshall, 282 PTO co-president. “The opportunities available to people with programming skills are immense.”

For the past two years, students at the school, located at 180 6th Avenue, have taken part in the Hour of Code, which provides basic instruction in computer science. With its success, 282 has added an 8-week computer programming course for kids in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades — not just an after-school club, but as part of their regular curriculum — and they’ll be adding a similar course for kids in grades 6-8 soon.

“So many kids took part [in the Hour of Code]  and so many more wanted to participate that we realize that we needed more and up to date computers,” Marshall says.

And that’s where you come in, neighbors. They’ve launched a Crowdrise crowd-funding campaign to purchase at least 40 Chromebook laptops to better equip their computer lab and classrooms.

“The updated equipment will greatly enhance our children’s ability to make the most of their classroom learning experience and better prepare them to succeed in high school and beyond,” the fundraiser notes.

They’re hoping to raise enough funds to purchase the laptops before the end of the year, so they’re able to provide computer programming instruction to even more students.

“It is our goal to offer coding throughout the year to all grades, and it will be a regular part of the school day,” Marshall says. “PS/MS 282 hopes to be known for technology and the arts in a similar fashion to schools like Pratt Institute and Cooper Union.”

It’s a big goal of $10,000, but every little bit helps — if you’re able to contribute, here’s the link to the fundraiser!