Help Kids Start The School Year Right By Donating Supplies

While you’re out stocking up on notebooks and pencils for your own child’s back to school needs, consider getting a few extras and donating them to the 5th Annual Backpack to School Event at Gowanus Houses, taking place at Nicholas Heyward Playground (Wyckoff St between Hoyt and Bond) on Friday, August 29 from 3:30-6pm.

Sponsored by the Gowanus Neighborhood Association and Councilmember Stephen Levin, children of all ages from Gowanus Houses and the surrounding community receive a new backpack, school supplies, and a free bike helmet from NYCDOT before the beginning of the school year (all children are welcome!). But to make sure they have enough, they need some help from neighbors.

They can use items appropriate for school-aged children in grades K-12 — so backpacks, notebooks, erasers, crayons, folders, highlighters, calculators, binders, and so on. Whatever’s on your child’s list is most likely needed by other kids!

You can drop off supplies at Levin’s office, located at 410 Atlantic Avenue between Nevins and Bond, Monday-Friday from 9:30am-5:30pm, or pick-up can be arranged.

For more info or any questions call 718-875-5200 or email Metin Sarci at or Betty Lester at