Healthy Hooligan Hits Tracey Hohman’s Kale Crop… Again!

Neighborhood gardener Tracey Hohman wrote this afternoon to say that, for the second time in just over a year, she’d been robbed of kale she was growing just outside her home.
“The infamous Ditmas Park Kale Thief is back,” she says, “taking eating local to a whole new level.”
Tracey says four plants were “harvested,” which is a kind way to put it, off her porch today.
So first there’s the initial kale thievery, and then the tree pit bed outside FDC nonsense, and now this again? This doesn’t seem like a reasonable “fool me once” scenario. People should be able to have plants, right? Right?
“If you are eating purple kale for dinner tonight,” Tracey says, “it just might be from our porch. They were looking so pretty, too…”