Have A Happy Halloween! Stay Safe With These Helpful Tips

Photo via festedicompleannobimbi
A lot of us grew up hearing those terrifying Halloween tales about kids trick or treating. The poisoned candy. The razor blades. The scary people in that house. Urban myths or not, parents get concerned on this mischievous holiday.
While the list below could seem rather serious, it’s a good idea to just take a moment to consider. The most important advice we can give is to use common sense.
- Trick-or-treaters should always have adult supervision, even if they are traveling with a group of friends.
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times; be familiar with the neighborhood you plan on visiting.
- Avoid poorly-lit areas and homes of people you do not know.
- Avoid displaying your valuables or electronic devices.
- Thieves will use this holiday to hide behind a mask to commit crimes.
- Do not use your cellphones when crossing streets.
- Place emergency identification information discreetly inside clothing of small children, in case of accidental separation.
- Halloween treats should only be consumed if they are packaged appropriately in their original, unopened packages. Avoid homemade or unpackaged treats.
- Avoid hallways and deserted areas that are dimly lit.
- Do not enter a stranger’s home or car.
- Walk on the sidewalk and not in the street.
- Do not wear costumes that block your view.
- Do not wear clothing or accessories that suggest that you are affiliated with a gang.
- Carry flashlights and wear reflective clothing at night.
- Explain to children of all ages the difference between tricks and vandalism, which could be a criminal offense.
If you feel that you are in any kind of danger, look for houses of worship, stores, or places of business where you can go in case of an emergency, and where you can access help and information. Try not to be alone at any time.