Happy Election Day!

It’s been a pretty wild week, but for the first time in about ten days, Hurricane Sandy isn’t the top story. That place is reserved for our once-every-four-year democracy festival, the presidential election.

And it’s not just the president we’re electing. Google’s got a widget that will tell you what all you can vote for, as well as where you need to go to do it. And remember that a couple local polling sites have been moved!

How’s it going so far, Park Slope? Some reports from the area say there are lines, some confusion and broken machines, a recommendation that you know your election district before going in because you can skip the first line, and a reminder to be on the lookout for our more prominent neighbors – can Captain Picard even vote?


So, go vote! And once you do, let us know how it went, and take our very unscientific and anonymous poll about the presidential race below.

[poll id=”2″]

Photo by johnrichey