Happy Anniversary, Brooklyn (and Queens, and NYC, too)!

(Plaque displayed at Pinto Novelty store; Photo by Ray Johnson)

Are we dreaming? Isn’t today Brooklyn-Queens, day? That’s funny, it’s not even listed on the Brooklyn Borough President’s home page. Marty Markowitz, what is going on?

Good thing we have reliable sources in the Ephemeral New York and the Brooklyn.com websites confirming that today is definitely our anniversary. For a little more about the history of the day, you can check out what Barry Popik has to say on his website.

It’s a dreary day out there, today. So, school children who get the day off will just have to play with their Wii consoles indoors. For their parents who have to go to work, you can still spend time reminiscing about your days growing up in Brooklyn.

Because, it’s like the sign says:

No matter where life takes us or how far we roam, our hearts may make the journey, but will always be at home.

If you want to get one of these signs to send to your ex-pat friends, head on over to Pinto Novelty, Co. party goods store at 2118 Avenue X, or just send them the store’s link and tell them to eat their hearts out!