Grimm Had Bathroom Hookup In Bay Ridge Bar, Witnesses Say

While most members of Congress were concerned with a government shutdown, Congressman Michael Grimm was concerned with getting down – with a gal in a Bay Ridge bar bathroom, according to witnesses.
Brooklyn Magazine is reporting that the Republican congressman spent the Friday before the start of the shutdown “drinking and behaving boorishly” in a Bay Ridge bar, ultimately escaping into a bathroom for a presumed romp with lady-friend.
The magazine reports:
Michael Grimm, who represents Staten Island and part of Brooklyn, spent the evening at the Bay Ridge bar with two couples and a woman in whose back pocket he repeatedly placed his hand, and whose ass he slapped more than once, the witnesses said. He drank wine and insisted each drink be served in a fresh glass.
The three couples also each slipped in turn into the bar’s only restroom, including the congressman and his female companion, who stayed in there together for “a long fucking time,” one witness said—15 minutes or more, so long that people at the bar were talking about it. ”I was surprised someone so sleazy could be a congressman,” one witness said.
The New York Post adds:
“It just so happened a couple people [at the bar] knew exactly who he was and kept an eye on him,’’ said one source, a Brooklyn Democratic political operative who received a phone call from one disgusted eyewitness.
“Dude, I think he was in there having sex,’’ the source said, quoting the witness at The Owl’s Head on 74th Street in Bay Ridge, part of Grimm’s district, which straddles Brooklyn.
“I think it was pretty f–ing obvious what as going on in there,’’ the source said. “They said Grimm was in there with a girl for 17 minutes. I guess they were timing him.
Grimm is single, having briefly married in 1994.

The fearless reporters over at Politicker went and snapped a photo of the bathroom, which they describe as “gender neutral” and “small and handicap accessible with blue walls.”
Similar to his defense against questionable fundraising allegations, the congressman is fending off the rumors by blaming it on a smear campaign orchestrated by his rivals.
“This never happened, and I will not dignify this absurd distortion of the facts with a response, except to to say that this is nothing more than a typical Democrat-led smear campaign,” the congressman told the Post by e-mail.
It’s not the first time Grimm has raised eyebrows with bar-room shenanigans. In 2011, the New Yorker reported on a 1999 incident at a Queens bar, while Grimm was still an FBI agent, in which Grimm got into a tussle with his date’s husband. Tough guy Grimm allegedly said the man didn’t “know who he’s fucking with … I’ll fuckin’ make him disappear where nobody will find him.” He then vanished and returned with a gun, confronted the husband, and bandied about his FBI credentials, the magazine reported. He left and returned again, this time with fellow FBI agents and NYPD officers, forced bar-goers up against the wall, and allegedly ordered the “white people” to leave the bar while he searched for the husband. Grimm has denied those allegations, too.