Taking Your Kid To Greenwood Park? Mind The Rules.

Planning on basking in the warm weather at Greenwood Park (555 7th Avenue, between 19th and 20th Street)? You might want to take notice of the bar’s newly posted rules, spotted by neighbor Chris Schneider.
In addition to the general rules you’ll recognize from other bars across the area (respect the neighbors, keep your voices down when entering and leaving the bar, valid ID required, etc), a good chunk of the list focus on those bringing kids to the beer garden:
This is not a park. The following rules are for everybody’s safety.
You must be 21 or older for admittance after 7pm.
Shoes and shirts are mandatory.
No climbing.
No bikes, no scooters, no skates.
Please don’t dig up or throw the gravel.
No running.
No children playing on the bocce courts.
Children should be within arms reach at all times.
Please be respectful to other patrons.
Please abide by our guidelines, or you’ll be asked to leave.
What do you think, South Slope? Will the posted rules help ease some of the tensions between those with kids and those without?