Greenwood Baptist Church Celebrates 155 Years This Sunday

Greenwood Baptist Church (461 6th Street at 7th Avenue) is celebrating its 155th anniversary this Sunday, October 27 with two services: at 11am with Rev. Dr. Ernest H. Jones, Pastor, and at 3pm with Rev. Dr. Stephan P. McKinney from the Greater Calvary Baptist Church in Harlem

Greenwood Baptist Church tracks its beginnings to a small group of Christians who began a prayer group and Sunday school in Park Slope in 1854, grew rapidly, and the incorporated as a church, building their first church space at 4th Avenue and 23rd Street. They began construction on the current church in the 1890s, and the congregation moved into it in November 1900.
If you’ve ever wondered what the view is like from the top of the tower — and how nerve-racking it is to climb to the top of a tall structure completed in 1900 — check out this video a woman filmed in 2011:
Happy anniversary, Greenwood Baptist!