Greenfield: Give Drivers 24 Hours Notice Before Parking Changes


Parking is never easy in New York City, even for those lucky enough to actually find a space.

Such is the case when the city enforces temporary, unannounced parking changes, especially when those changes result in motorists finding their cars towed. Councilman David Greenfield, who had his car towed in such a scenario, is looking to change the system and force the city to give drivers 24-hour notice of temporary parking changes, according to a report by the New York Daily News.

Greenfield ran into trouble when his car was towed after parking in front of City Hall, hours before city police placed no parking notices on the area. Currently, there is no law on the books that requires the city to notify drivers of parking changes brought on by special events or special security considerations.

“There’s no reason why the City of New York cannot provide a courtesy to drivers and put up a sign 24 hours in advance,” Greenfield told the Daily News.