Gravesend Psychiatrist Mikhail Presman Sentenced To 18 Months For Medicare Fraud

The residence of Mikhail Presman (Source: Google Maps)

He was facing 10 years, but, ultimately, Gravesend-based psychiatrist Mikhail Presman was sentenced earlier this month to 18 months imprisonment, followed by three years of supervised release for Medicare fraud.

Presman was busted in a massive Medicare fraud sweep in May 2013 that netted 89 individuals accused of plundering the government insurance program out of $223 million. Bensonhurst Bean was first to report on a raid of his 29 Van Sicklen Street residence, pictured above.

A former employee of the Brooklyn Veteran’s Administration hospital, Presman ran a scheme from 2006 to 2013. He claimed to be treating a multitude of patients, racking up over a $4 million in Medicare bills while also pulling a full-time salary at the VA. But, evidence showed, most of the appointments never existed. During a part of the stretch when he was claiming patients, he was actually taking a vacation with his family in China. He also claimed home visits to 55 Medicare beneficiaries who were hospitalized on the dates of the purported visits.

He pleaded guilty in October 2013, and sentenced on March 13.

In addition to the 18 month sentence and three years of supervision, he was ordered to pay back $1.2 million to the government.