Gravesend/Homecrest at 6.0% COVID Infection Rate, Southern BK above 3%, City Threatens Localized Restrictions

Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office

Following the closure of two Yeshivas (undisclosed) by the City’s Department of Health (DOH) over COVID-19 spread, officials inform that “regular inspections of all non-public schools within these clusters and their adjacent zip codes” will start tomorrow, and the city will be increasing enforcement of mask wearing and social distancing.

Gravesend/Homecrest (6.0% infection rate), Midwood, (4.95), Edgemere Far Rockaway (4.08%), Kew Gardens (3.99%), Borough Park (3.53%), Bensonhurst/Mapleton (3.16%), Gerritsen Beach/Homecrest/Sheepshead Bay (3.07%), Flatlands/Midwood (3.06%) and Williamsburg (1.67%) – all have seen significant growth in COVID-19 infection cases.

“If the indicators continue to rise, there must be additional enforcement actions. For the first time in the city’s recovery period, there could be the immediate scaling back of activities in these ZIP codes if progress is not made by Monday evening,” DOH officials write.

These actions on Tuesday could include:

  • Prohibiting all gatherings of more than 10 persons
  • Issuing fines for refusals to wear a mask after being offered a mask
  • Ordering private schools and child care centers to close if they don’t meet DOE standards.
  • And lastly, closing all non-essential businesses immediately

On Wednesday and today the city agencies were out in force in the affected neighbrohoods, including the Sheriff’s office, DOB, DOT, OSE and NYPD patrol and community affairss. Officials say the mask compliance in these neighborhoods has been overwhelmingly low compared to other areas of the city.

Test & Trace is deploying mobile testing units to Midwood, Williamsburg and Borough Park, as well as  Kew Gardens and Far Rockaway in Queens, and expect robocall and direct mailing next week, as well as sound trucks and multiple ambulances to amplify testing messaging in English and Yiddish today and tomorrow.