Got Extra Bed, Bath & Kitchen Items? CHiPS Is In Need Of Donations

CHiPS, the soup kitchen and women’s shelter located at 200 4th Avenue, currently has a specific need for gently used and clean, or new, items to help furnish a few apartments. If you’ve been meaning to do some spring cleaning, check your closets to see what you can spare, and bring them over.
Here’s what they could use:
- Shower curtains
- Pillows
- Mattress covers
- Twin size sheets and comforters
- Blankets
- Towels
- Kitchen items (pots and pans, dishes, cups, mugs)
- Toiletries
You can drop off donations Monday through Friday between 9am and 4pm at 200 4th Avenue, between Sackett and Degraw, on the residence side, bell 2A.
If you haven’t got items to donate, you can always make a cash donation to help with their efforts, which is easy to do online.
For more information, contact CHiPS director Denise Scaravella at