Going To Be Out Of Town On Election Day? Here’s The Info For Absentee Voting

The Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition (FJCC) sent this over today, and it’s good advice. We know we have a lot of readers who are temporarily out of the area, either displaced because of Sandy or for other reasons. That doesn’t mean you have to lose your chance to vote in the upcoming elections. Here’s the information, coming via FJCC:
The NYC general election for Mayor, Comptroller, Public Advocate and local City Council races is Tuesday November 5th. For those who may not be available to vote on that day in person, the deadline to file for an absentee ballot is looming: this Tuesday October 29th.
The Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition, FJCC, is strongly urging all registered voters in Flatbush and elsewhere to vote this coming Election Day, November 5th. Recent elections have been won and lost by a margin of only a few votes. Elected officials take notice of those communities that vote.
If you or a family member will be out of town, are elderly or infirm, a student studying in Lakewood or abroad, or for any reason won’t be available to vote in person on November 5th, please make sure to fill out and send in an absentee ballot request postmarked by October 29th.
The Board of Elections will mail you an actual Ballot. That Ballot must be returned to the Board of Elections NO LATER then the DAY BEFORE Election Day.
To make a request for the ballot to be sent to you call the Board of Elections at 212.487.5400 or just print from their site: http://vote.nyc.ny.us/downloads/pdf/forms/boe/absenteevoting/absenglish.pdf
Voting is a communal responsibility. When we vote, we win. Please Vote! We are all counting on you.