Goin’ Sleddin’
Sure, Juno wasn’t the end of the world, the apocalypse is nigh, snowmageddon that we believed it would be – but, luckily for us, that means we can actually still walk places – like to Prospect Park for sledding, as photographed by coutureheartglam.
And, speaking of sledding in Prospect Park, Gothamist published these fantastic photos of sledders gleefully navigating the slopes. If you have any favorite sledding (or snow) photos, let us know! You can email them to us at editor@ditmasparkcorner.com, and we’ll post them to the blog.
Share photos with us at editor@ditmasparkcorner.com, in the Ditmas Park Corner Flickr group, or tag them #ditmaspark on Instagram, and we’ll post them on the blog. Also, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram, and subscribe to our daily newsletter!