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Girls Only Camps

Girls Only Camps

Hello, I’m a girl and I rule the world! Here are two summer camps that make the previous statement true.

Alexa Café: Chic, All-Girls Summer Tech Camps
Berkeley Carroll School, Park Slope
Ages 10 to 15
Contact: info@iDTech.com, 1-888-709-8324
Calling all girls! Build tech skills in a unique, stylish setting where girls collaborate in small, close-knit clusters and discover coding, design, filmmaking, leadership, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and more. Weeklong day sessions for girls ages 10-15 are held at Berkeley Carroll School.

Curious Jane
400 Third Ave, Gowanus and Park Slope, 718-369-6320
For girls in grades 2-6
Online registration is open for Curious Jane Jr and Curious Jane. What’s new is the Curious Jane sleepaway camp! Curious Jane just moved to its new location near Whole Foods on 3rd Ave.