Gerritsen Beach Turns Into Halloween War Zone

Scores of teenagers waged war on cars, buses, NYPD, firemen, seniors and just about anyone else last night, bombarding them with eggs, shaving cream, potatoes, rocks and even hammers.
The chaos was recorded by, which bravely posted photos of the guilty in action, as well as some of the damage against city property.
Here’s what wrote:
50+ teens held their ground at Gerritsen and Florence Avenues and Seba Avenue Park for a better part of Halloween. They formed a firing line on both sides of Gerritsen Avenue. They were throwing the eggs, shaving cream cans, potatoes, rocks, at anything that drove past and anyone who dared to confront them. They even started throwing eggs at people, parents with young children and strollers. One parent said “I saw them jump a delivery car with kids banging on it, eggs getting slammed into it and some ran on the car”
… An older man in his late 60′s was driving along Gerritsen Avenue when his car was hit by eggs, when he exited the vehicle he was pelted by dozens of eggs, rocks were thrown, chucks of brick, and someone tossed a hammer. Parents and community members stepped in to protect this man and started to chase the kids to away.
… As The Vollies were investigating a possible weed fire. Fire Chief John Czapp jeep’s was pelted and he was hit in the face with an egg. claims that the NYPD “abandoned” the community, refusing to send police cars despite numerous calls. He noted that one car from the 61st Precinct arrived and left shortly after coming under attack from the kids. Two community affairs officers from the 63rd were also dispatched, but attempted to catch the teens on foot. They teens gave officers the slip in the neighborhood’s fields.
Sheepshead Bites’ calls for comment to the 61st Precinct this morning received a busy signal.
In addition to attacking seniors, a volunteer fire department chief, and NYPD vehicles, noted the following:
- physical damage – including a broken window – to three buses, ultimately shutting down the B31 line
- a deliveryman assaulted while riding a moped
- two Hasidim were chased by teens who were throwing rocks at them ( calls this a “classic hate crime approach”)
In addition to an entire photo gallery dedicated to the carnage, collected screenshots from Facebook of many teens involved in the attacks. It details their plans as they coordinate buying eggs from local markets, establish a meeting place, and boast about the destruction they unleashed.
Some of the Facebook comments include:
- Maverick J.: Wooaa the copss justt stooped mee … (reply to self) … they tried to arrest me I huitt a cop car wit a egg
- Jerry D.: hillariouss day the cops were afraid to get outa their car so they called the fire department nd they started chasin kids backwees wi the firehose
- Matthew C.: Yo it was so funny wen they hit the bus driver himself I also hit a nypd car and others
At least one teen’s actions appeared to have been sanctioned by his mother. Michael G., 16, wrote of his plans to go bombing. His mother, Michelle, replied via Facebook, “Have Fun but plz Becareful there’s a lot of cops out! And make sure you check on jonathan every now and then!”
Michael later wrote, “bombi o the ave hitting cops cars broke 2 bus truck windows”
Three people “Liked” that update.
Michael’s mother later replied to a commenter on who criticized her parenting. She wrote:
This is Michaels Mom, YES I did let him go bombing like every other kid in GB! And YES I did tell him to have fun and watch oout for cops!This has been going on for yrs in GB. I allowed eggs and shaving cream. This DID NOT include rocks or potatoes! I am disgusted with this behavior myself and as soon as i heard what was going on I went and picked him up myself.
Gerritsen Beach is notorious for its Halloween chaos, but according to this year’s actions went beyond previous years.
Editorial note: The original version of this post included the full names of some involved. We’ve decided to remove the last names as many of them are minors, and their level of involvement has not been determined or proven. So far, all of the information provided are allegations substantiated only through photos and reportage via, and not by local authorities.