Garden With Sustainable Flatbush at a Community Work Day on Saturday

Photo by Sustainable Flatbush.

Sustainable Flatbush is hosting one of its Community Garden Work Days tomorrow, Saturday, May 26 from 9:30am to 1pm at the gardens at the Flatbush Reformed Church. If you’ve got limited or no space to garden at home (or even if you do), this is your chance to do some gardening with neighbors in a historic space. Also, there will be some food to eat at the end of the day for all volunteers!

Here are just a few of the things you’ll take away from the experience:

• Learn how to grow your own food in a container

• Learn what is and isn’t a weed in the native garden

• Learn about soil rehabilitation and how to make your own potting soil

• Adopt a project and bring ideas about how you want the garden to look

Future Community Garden Work Dates are: June 23, July 21, and August 18.

For more information, contact