Furniture Store And More Coming To New Voorhies Development

Owners of the three-story development at 1810 Voorhies Avenue have wrapped up construction and are finalizing its roster of tenants, the building’s manager told Sheepshead Bites.
The building is so far slated to house a furniture store and doctor’s office on the first floor, and a day care on the second floor. The third floor is still in negotiations, with the day care potentially occupying that as well, according to the manager, David Fernandez.
Community Board 15 voted in February 2011 to reject the building’s developer application to permit the reduction in required parking for an ambulatory or diagnostic treatment facility. The board was urged on by Councilman Michael Nelson, who argued that a furniture store on Voorhies Avenue with no off-street docking area for trucks would lead to more congestion on the already nightmarish roadway.
The Board of Standards and Appeals, which has final say over the application, has not yet voted on the project.