EXCLUSIVE: Frontus Wins Democratic Primary Nomination by 55 Votes

CONEY ISLAND/BAY RIDGE – It was a tense week for the two Democratic primary contenders, Mathylde Frontus and Ethan Lustig-Elgrably as the votes were counted and recounted for the race to represent Assembly District 46, which includes Coney Island and Bay Ridge.

But it came to the last hour on the last day where Mathylde Frontus pulled it off with 55 votes in her favor including an international absentee ballot, according to her campaign manager, Joe Herrara.

“I am really, really excited as the daughter of the district to have won the Democratic primary in my neighborhood,” said Frontus. “And I am looking forward to unifying the district and bringing everyone together.”

New York City Board of Elections will certify results by September 28.