Friday: BNA Holds Meeting On “Senior Benefits And Housing”
In the first of a series of three February meetings, the Brighton Neighborhood Association (BNA) will be holding a housing meeting on “Senior Benefits and Housing,” February 8 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at BNA’s office, 1002 Brighton Beach Avenue on the corner of Coney Island Avenue (inside Chase Bank’s Community Center — just come inside, turn left, walk past the tellers, and look for the red sign).
Roy Carmona, representing the NYC Department of Aging, will be discussing Section 8, SCRIE, DRIE, HEAP, SNAP (food stamps), as well as any housing issues and concerns you may have.
The meeting will be conducted in English and Russian. Light refreshments will be served. Bring your friends and neighbors!
To learn more, call (718) 891-0800, go to and follow BNA on Facebook.