Free Spring Concert At The East 4th Street Community Garden On Saturday, May 2

April showers bring May flowers…and concerts?
Get plenty of both at the East Fourth Street Community Garden’s second annual free spring concert on Saturday, May 2, from 2–4pm.

Played against a flowering backdrop that will have you wondering if you’ve left Brooklyn, the concert will host some of Kensington’s and Windsor Terrace’s finest musicians. Ranging from jazz to folk songs to waltzes — with a family-friendly kids’ sing-along included too — everyone should leave humming a spring tune. Here’s the concert lineup:
2 pm Trio Four Today — Sizzling jazz standards with Katie Down on flute/ukelele, Matt Darriau on sax/clarinet, Eric Pakula on sax, singer Debbie Deane, and Jim Whitney on bass.
2:30 pm Don Rodríguez Gómez Rosa — Guitar-hooked folk songs and a sing-along.
3 pm Sing-along with Katie — Keep on singing at this kids’ portion of the concert.
3:15 pm Dirty Waltz Project — The concert will wrap up with some wide-ranging waltzes featuring Mike Shapiro doing vocals/harmonica, Rob Rapley on guitar, Chris Nattrass on bass, and Mollie McQuarie on accordion.
The garden has limited seating so an overflow crowd might have to sit on the ground. Given recent weather, that could be damp. Please feel free to bring along your own waterproof tarps and chairs for seating.