Free Flu Shot Schedule 2013

Every year our elected officials descend upon community meetings like white blood cells on foreign bodies, all to tout the free flu shots their office will offer ahead of the winter season.
This year is no different, and it’s only a matter of time until the ritualistic boasting begins, with Councilman Lew Fidler telling constituents that his flu shots are more effective than those offered by Assemblymembers Alan Maisel or Helene Weinstein, and the others countering that it might be true, but theirs will make you cooler and sexier. And what would you rather be? Sexy, or healthy?
Ah, it’s a question for the ages, and one that can only be settled by the inevitable fight to the death between our elected officials, in which we toss them in an arena littered with rabid porcupines and arm the pols only with syringes full of flu.
Alas, such just blood-sport is not yet legal. If any of our elected officials truly believe in their words, may they will use their legislative powers to make it so.
In the meantime, until the blood has been shed, let us all consider each of us truly victorious, as we have nearly two dozen opportunities to obtain a free flu shot in the weeks to come.
Here’s the schedule, which may be updated throughout the season as we learn of more dates.
(Are you an elected official or representative of an organization offering free flu shots in the Sheepshead Bay area? E-mail nberke [at] sheepsheadbites [dot] com and we’ll get you added to the list.)
Date | Time | Location | Sponsor | Appointment Required? | Contact Info |
9/30/2013 | 10am-2pm | 2424 Ralph Avenue | Assemblyman Maisel | Yes | 718-968-2770 |
10/1/2013 | Call For Appointment | 3520 Nostrand Avenue | Assemblywoman Weinstein | Yes | 718-648-4700 |
10/2/2013 | 3:00-6:30pm | 1402 East 64th Street | Councilman Fidler | Yes | 718-241-9330 |
10/7/2013 | 10am – 1:00pm | 1800 Sheepshead Bay Road | Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz | Yes | 718-743-4078 |
10/8/2013 | 9am-12pm -call for appt/walk in | 1605 Voorhies Avenue, 1st Fl | Councilman Nelson | Yes | 718-368-9176 ext. 5 |
10/9/2013 | 10am-2pm | 2424 Ralph Avenue | Assemblyman Maisel | Yes | 718-968-2770 |
10/11/2013 | 10am-1:30pm | 1402 East 64th Street | Councilman Fidler | Yes | 718-241-9330 |
10/16/2013 | Call For Appointment | 1655 Flatbush Avenue | Assemblywoman Weinstein | Yes | 718-648-4700 |
10/16/2013 | 1:00pm – 4:00pm | 1800 Sheepshead Bay Road | Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz | Yes | 718-743-4078 |
10/17/2013 | Call For Appointment | 3520 Nostrand Avenue | Assemblywoman Weinstein | Yes | 718-648-4700 |
10/18/2013 | 10am-2pm | 2424 Ralph Avenue | Assemblyman Maisel | Yes | 718-968-2770 |
10/21/2013 | 10am – 1:00pm | 1800 Sheepshead Bay Road | Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz | Yes | 718-743-4078 |
10/21/2013 | 10am-2pm | 2424 Ralph Avenue | Assemblyman Maisel | Yes | 718-968-2770 |
10/22/2013 | 11am to 4pm | Carro Center at 3000 Fillmore Av | Senator Golden and Millenium Development | Yes | 718-238-6044 |
10/25/2013 | 10am-1:30pm | 1402 East 64th Street | Councilman Fidler | Yes | 718-241-9330 |
10/29/2013 | 11am to 4pm | Avenue T and VanSicklen St | Senator Golden and Sts Simon and Jude | Yes | 718-238-6044 |
10/30/2013 | 1:00pm – 4:00pm | 1800 Sheepshead Bay Road | Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz | Yes | 718-743-4078 |
11/1/2013 | Call For Appointment | 3520 Nostrand Avenue | Assemblywoman Weinstein | Yes | 718-648-4700 |
11/6/2013 | 3pm-6:30pm | 1402 East 64th Street | Councilman Fidler | Yes | 718-241-9330 |